Thursday 18 August 2011

Mahalo nui loa for such a lovely day!

And I thought yesterday was beautiful.  Today takes the crown.

Yesterday, I woke up to wonderful news.  But it's not my story to tell.  No, I'm not pregnant. But something that lifted my heart was the reaction this pebble-in-the-pond created.  I love ripples.  It made one person's good day turn into a good day for 5 other people, who in-turn would have passed on the sublime vibes to everyone they interacted with that day.

Combine that with a spectacular cool & sunny day.  Kalgoorlie can be amazing when it's not too hot, not too cold & one manages to mentally block-out the remoteness.  Jack & I went back to the garden centre & bought 'potted colour' (poppies!!!) for under $2 a pot.  Bring that shit on.  I love poppies.  We also invested in our own metal chicken.  Sure, it's no Beyoncé - the 5 foot wonder-chook, but she's a politely understated 2ft apricot chook that I'm calling Lucy Liu. 

And last night, Jack saw the stars! It was the first time he's looked up at night with a clear sky & he was in tear-jerking wonder. I sang 'Twinkle Twinkle' to him while he pointed at just about every one. It was lovely.

And for today: I'm having a fucking awesome day!  Jack & I have been listening to Jazz while planting up the garden.  He's been having a great time trying to empty all the dirt out the beds (then putting some token handfuls back in).  I planted my fern garden, moved my pineapple sage bush to hopefully a better spot for it, dug up some grass, filled in a hole by the shed, and planted some coriander.

Then we hung out some washing, had a relaxing boobie feed under the veranda (listening to Frank Sinatra) while watching the trees sway in the breeze on a beautiful blue sky day, and then we showered together (Jack had been pantsless in the garden & his bum was covered in dirt!), and I just put Jack to bed.  I think he'll have some good dreams. :)

And my dogs are ruining the mood by letting off emission that can only be described as 'gas poos', and I'm wondering if I should call the EPA.  Thanks dogs.

Edited to add:
That ripple from yesterday?  Turned into a fucking tsunami today.  But the good kind of tsunami, not the shit kind.  Over night, the ripples magnified & today they swamped everyone all over again.  I could bob around in this feeling forever.

I've spent a long time feeling on the edge of the world.  Today has stripped me of horrors of the past year & I am feeling raw and new.  And happy.  Fucking happy.

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