Tuesday 20 September 2011


Tremble. quiver.
outside again. dynamic but frozen.
Inside. grotesque fire.
Muffled and muted.
tremble. shake.
taciturn or exile?
fixed to the wall. webbed.

Saturday 17 September 2011

It's not you, it's me. No, wait - It's YOU!

Okay, so yesterday I was convinced I was pissing off everyone around me & my view of the world was a bit wobbly.  I just saw a picture on one of those 'cute puppy' emails you only get from religious types & there was fig leaf over one of the puppy's genitals.  Seriously? Do we really need to sensor dog doodles??  Will I develop some kind of fetish if I see too much dog crotch?  Should I be draping my own dogs in covers (now lets start a debate on cloth Vs disposable for dogs)?  Maybe I should put them in a wee doggy burqa, just to be safe.  I mean... they have 8 nipples each, there's some real risk there.  When does the madness stop?

Yep, just a short burst today.

Friday 16 September 2011

Jumping on toes

If there's one thing I'm good at, it's getting my opinion across. I do it all the time to friends, family, and unsuspecting strangers. I'm thinking it's getting old. I think I spend too much fucking time having an opinion that's too fucking big for it's boots.

Tonight, I posted about my latest antics on Facebook and can't help but notice that even people I thought were on the same page aren't. There's clearly something askew here. It must be with me. I get carried away with myself, even with best intentions. I mean, I don't know it's me & my strong positions about particular subjects (however I know the subjects themselves cause enough contention) but I'm assuming so. No one has said anything specific. No friends have had a quiet word on my madness. It's just a vibe. A subtle mention here, a subtext there. If I were as half the person I like to think I was, I'd ask straight up.

But I'm not. I'm pretty fragile when I'm left alone with my own thoughts. So that's where I sound my retreat. I'm stepping back from a few things, and refocussing on more tangible things in my world. I'll be back when I can.

PS. My son is walking now. 15 months to the day.

Sunday 4 September 2011

Status games

Let's all 'raise awareness' for miscarriage and still birth. To do this DON'T put any thing related to it on you status update. In fact, put some thing totally random like 'orange octopus' but you CANNOT tell anyone, especially blokes, why. It's much more effective to maintain the social taboo of discussing the hard facts. And whatever you do, don't offer any tangible support for families that have lost a baby in utero. They'd much prefer you play games on social media, leaving them to suffer in silence. 

Awesome! Let's keep up the childish games & culture of pretending to help while actually being a careless arsehole.