Monday 29 August 2011

The truth is out there. It just won't be blogged.

Blogging.  You can say whatever the hell you like.  I could tell you I bought a new car yesterday & altruistically donated it to a family in need.  You'd be thinking I was pius wanker absorbed in my own sanctimony.  Or you'd rightly think I was a liar.  I didn't do that at all, and nor would I.  I'm not that generous.

One the other hand, a blogger can lie by omission.  Yesterday, I might have run down 4 kittens & 7 ducklings, but I'm not going to tell you or you might judge me poorly.  That's acceptable, I suppose - in the context of kitten killing.  BUT what if your blog is about kittens & how much you fucking love them, and how you are possible the worlds best dressed kitten carer, and how caring for kittens changed your life?  THAT, my friends, is where I declare shenanigans.

Okay, that analogy went a little too far from my original planned destination, but you get my drift.  If you blog about food: write up your fails.  We want to know what doesn't work as much as we want to know what does.  I'm not saying blog every mundane cheese sandwich you ate in your day, or that you critique every cup of tea that passed your lips (incidentally, my husband threw out a cup of tea I made today.  We'd run out of milk, so I used cream.  He's a big girl & didn't like it), but a bit of honesty wouldn't go astray.

I, for instance, think I suck as a parent.  I try to do things that engage us both, but in the end, my son watches an awful lot of TV.  He's going to start speaking Spanish soon.  But I'm happy to tell you I'm at the end of my tether many days of the week.  I run out of things to do to keep us sane, and the shit starts to hit the fan.  Broadly speaking, those days are usually following an extremely crappy night.  I do admit to an element of jovial cheering-myself-on & even pretending things aren't as bad as they are.  I can't imagine where we'd be if I didn't use my warped version of 'positive thought'.  But I'll admit it.  Only a few short days after loving life & feeling renewed, I was balled up on the couch sobbing like a child.  Pity Party @ my place, and I'm the only one invited. 

In all that, I would like to think that I'm not posing or pretending to be better than I am.  Some people describe that behaviour of pretence as 'trolling'.  It's not.  It's called: being a cunt. (yes, I kiss my baby with that mouth.  My mum is convinced he said 'fuck' tonight, so I'm already not winning any awards)  It's also immature.  So is balling up on the couch & sobbing, but at least I admit it.  There's truth in that.

I've kind of drifted from whatever point I was trying make.  A common theme, I think.  I'm blogging my life - as poorly thought out as any of it is, it is more or less reflected here. Good bits. Bad bits.  Worse bits.  I'll try to give you as much as I can muster, when I can actually get to the computer to type it.  If I'm absent, it's a kazillion times more likely that I can't get to the blog than I'm off doing something super awesome.

And in the theme of the post (actually, it's not as I've completely lost any plot lines in 6 short paragraphs) here is a list of fun & shitty things I did today.
finger painted with the my son
planted beetroot seedlings and parsnip seeds
kissed my husband
watched my son walk 6 steps!
watched my son 'walk' on his knees
found some awesome sewing/craft blogs

left the packet of unused seeds open when I put the sprinkler on the new garden bed
saw the vet about my horse - she needs a cancer cut from her eye
got very little sleep, and suspected hearing loss from screaming baby (night weaning is going well, in case you wondered...)
didn't cook dinner (fuck me... it's 10pm & I haven't had dinner!)
swore a lot.


  1. We love you and your honesty, Jenn. xx

  2. Love it <3

    And go Jack!! 6 steps :D better watch out, he'll be running in no time.
