Friday 16 September 2011

Jumping on toes

If there's one thing I'm good at, it's getting my opinion across. I do it all the time to friends, family, and unsuspecting strangers. I'm thinking it's getting old. I think I spend too much fucking time having an opinion that's too fucking big for it's boots.

Tonight, I posted about my latest antics on Facebook and can't help but notice that even people I thought were on the same page aren't. There's clearly something askew here. It must be with me. I get carried away with myself, even with best intentions. I mean, I don't know it's me & my strong positions about particular subjects (however I know the subjects themselves cause enough contention) but I'm assuming so. No one has said anything specific. No friends have had a quiet word on my madness. It's just a vibe. A subtle mention here, a subtext there. If I were as half the person I like to think I was, I'd ask straight up.

But I'm not. I'm pretty fragile when I'm left alone with my own thoughts. So that's where I sound my retreat. I'm stepping back from a few things, and refocussing on more tangible things in my world. I'll be back when I can.

PS. My son is walking now. 15 months to the day.

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